There’s no accounting for taste. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how groundbreaking a movie is supposed to be — there’s just something about it that rubs you the wrong way. You’ll ignore and reject all the lovely things people say about a particular film, and you might even get increasingly irate as more folks try to push you into watching it.
“Just give it a chance,” they say, like you’re a toddler who won’t try broccoli and not an adult with fully-realized tastes that you (likely) know better than they do. Maybe you eventually cave and try the movie, or maybe you don’t, but you almost always resent the effort that went into the ordeal.
All of that is to say, here’s my list of movies that I just won’t watch. Here’s why.
And if you refuse to read my article, then maybe give the video version a watch:
‘Gone With the Wind’ (1939)
Some call this one “timeless.” Do you know what isn’t “timeless?” Civil War-era gender roles and racial attitudes. This is by no means the only film that hasn’t aged well, but it has aged so poorly that I don’t even want to bother.
Or at least, I’ve heard it has aged poorly. I refuse to watch it.
‘The Sixth Sense’ (1999)
I’m a big scaredy-cat. I don’t like horror movies, I don’t like dead people, and I don’t like spoilers. Somewhere along the line, the big twist was ruined for me, and now I don’t see why I should subject myself to a film I’m certain I won’t enjoy.
‘Pride and Prejudice’ (2005)
“Pride and Prejudice” (2005) is based on a classic piece of literature. It’s not one of my favorites. I know that Jane Austen is a wonderfully influential author, but that doesn’t change the fact that her books just don’t appeal to me. Regency-era romance and drama is based on too much etiquette and rules for me to enjoy it. As such, I will not be viewing “Pride and Prejudice” — no matter how big of a crush I have on Keira Knightley.
‘Into the Wild’ (2007)
I know how it ends already, because I remember reading about Christopher McCandless (played by Emile Hirsch in the film) and his tragic death. I’ve dated one too many wannabe van-life influencers to get lost in any of the escapism fantasy.
‘There Will Be Blood’ (2007)
This is a film I’ve tried to watch a couple of times. I’ve seen the “I drink your milkshake” scene and wanted some more context. Daniel Day-Lewis sports a magnificent mustache, and that’s also, well, something.
I don’t have time for how ploddingly slow this movie is. It isn’t so much that I refuse to watch it as I just can’t finish it. I know it’s great, but I am not a patient enough man.
‘The Social Network’ (2010)
If I wanted to watch vaguely awkward white dudes bicker, I’d have stayed in my college Dungeons & Dragons group. I’m convinced that Mark Zuckerberg (played by Jesse Eisenberg in the film) might legitimately be a lizard person. Either way, the tech-billionaire drama doesn’t do anything to excite me. Yes, I am familiar with the impact that Facebook has had on the world, but that doesn’t mean that I’m interested in watching a dramatized version of its genesis.
‘Inception’ (2010)
I was in college when this movie came out. I couldn’t walk through my dormitory hall without seeing at least one room, with door wide open, full of dudes raving about how deep this movie was. If I had a nickel for every one of them who asked me to proofread their freshman philosophy paper that revolved entirely around this movie’s ending, I wouldn’t need to write this piece. I could sit on a beach and watch a top spin all day.
I would be embarrassed to publish this article. You couldn’t finish There Will Be Blood? You sound like a complete moron.
I don’t usually comment on anything on the internet and am not trying to troll, but this maybe the dumbest take I’ve ever read.
Gone with the wind being a Civil war era based film being held to modern ideology is a ridiculous statement. Grow up kid
Cheers for the spoiler alert for into the wild.
Well that just your opinion and many of those are great movies of course an old movie will reflect the time it was made in
Why are you EVEN commenting on movies? Thank the gods and goddesses that you stopped before finding films.
Why should I have flipped through this short little screed? Our author is cutting off his nose to spite his face, taking a stand that is really just a “not to my taste” exercise. Feh. Terry
Not watching a movie because of racial stereotypes. Life isn’t made up of all good or all evil or all what we like of don’t like. History is just that something that has happened.
If you refuse to give “Gone With The Wind” a chance you’re basically an idiot. Are you one of those who wants to change history? The acting is great, the story is captivating, and neither tries to ignore the discrimination of the time or denigrate black people. So who has said it hasn’t aged well? Your equally mind made up prejudiced friends?
Interesting that you are going miss some great movies according to my list … I too have my own list … I will never watch Schindlers list for the reasoning you use on Gone with the Wind , which is one of my all time favorites… I couldn’t stand the atrocities of this movie nor will I watch saving Private Ryan … While There will be blood is long , it is a great movie about a soulless man Daniel Day Lewis in my opinion is one of the greats .. Inception might be the most imaginative movies I have seen … I love horror , (true horror not chainsaw horror ) so Sixth Sense is up my alley …
I’ve lived long enough to try to never say never , but the 2 I mentioned above I doubt I’ll watch .
No lie, it’s critics like this who probably are the same people who give crappy reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. I personally have never turned down a movie just because of the amazing reviews or terrible reviews. Sure they are movies I see in trailers that don’t do it for me, but I watch or try to watch the full movie or as much as I can of it before I break down the positives for me and the negative without being cynical…….like this article is.
Gone with the Wind is a masterpiece of Civil War politics and a snapshot of the discrimination in the South . Don’t Knock it until You Try it .
Top 2 millennial edgelord third-tier “content ” creators I refuse to waste any more time with:
1. Nathan Bussey
2. See 1.
There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.
Very good movies! They should be watched!
Sounds like you need to get a life.
Totally boring reasons.
Who cares what you think?
Same here!!!
Sounds like you’re letting your pride and prejudice stop you from watching movies you should give a chance *shrug*
Worst article ever. Dude is so bitter. What a pretentious asshole.
What a ridiculous woke reason to not watch one of the most iconic films in Hollywood history. Might as well have titled this “Seven films that send me to my safe space.” Gone With The Wind has historical significance and was groundbreaking for it’s day. If you can’t get past your higher education induced leftist indoctrination you have no legitimate purpose in critiquing films.
You are a sad little man.
AI can and should replace your job.
You are just stupid i guess…
You deserve the Nobel Prize for film commentary. “I refuse to watch it” takes the art of film criticism to unprecendented new heights.
You didn’t need to write this piece. All you had to do is print the headline and be done. You ARE young and want everything neatly wrapped up in 15 minute pods.
I’m so glad that I have the interest in watching ”older” films, as you might say, because I won’t have to repeat myself. You should write for some outlet that only allows 172 characters and you’ll have so much more time to be inside your head. Blessedly alone.