There’s a reason why the Super Bowl has been one of — if not the most — watched sporting event in the U.S. year after year. While some are invested in the game itself or even the halftime show, most Americans are equally enthralled with which companies are paying millions to have their 30 seconds-to-a-minute of on-air time.
While some commercials may flop, others are talked about for years and even decades. Many have a favorite Super Bowl commercial that comes to mind at the first mention of the global event. We already have Super Bowl commercial teasers to get us pumped up for the game. If you’re yearning for a recap of some of the best commercials of all time as a reminder of the classics, the humorous, and the tear-jerkers, here are our picks of the best Super Bowl commercials as you prep for the Super Bowl LVIII on Sunday, Feb. 11.
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Reebok: ‘Terry Tate, Office Linebacker’ – SB XXXVII (2003)
Most employees wouldn’t be keen to have a professional linebacker tackle them midday on the job, but when it’s featured in a Super Bowl commercial, it somehow becomes relatable. Reebok nailed the direction during their 2003 ad that’s still garnering views to this day.
Old Spice: ‘The Man Your Man Could Smell Like’ – SB XLIV (2010)
The title speaks for itself, but Old Spice does it again with another funny and unforgettable TV ad. Aired during the 2010 Super Bowl, this commercial features actor Isaiah Mustafa. Viewers will recognize this campaign not only for its 30-second run-time but for its incredibly long-lived duration on screen.
Doritos: ‘Keep Your Hands Off My Doritos’ – SB XLIV (2010)
Stealing someone’s snacks doesn’t typically go over well, and Doritos nailed the 2010 campaign that has now led to the well-known phrase “Keep your hands off my Doritos.” Relatable, precious, and timeless, this snackable advertisement will never get old.
Volkswagen: ‘The Force’ – SB XLV (2011)
When you combine a car commercial with a precious main character and an iconic film, you can’t help but press replay on this advertisement. “The Force” is still one of the most talked about campaigns, even though VW has certainly updated the Passat’s features since 2011.
ETrade: ‘Baby’ – SB XLVII (2013)
Saving money is one thing, but when a talking baby with a deep voice tells you how to prepare for retirement, you can’t help but stay glued to the screen, even during a commercial break. The 2013 Super Bowl not only featured the Ravens and 49ers, but the eTrade baby also made an appearance and would continue to stay relevant for years to come, airing during this game in New Orleans.
Budweiser: ‘Puppy Love’ – SB XLVIII (2014)
It’s hard not to love a commercial that opens with a golden retriever frolicking on a farm. Budweiser first featured the infamous Clydesdales in its commercials in 1986; since then, viewers across the country have anticipated its appearances year after year during the Super Bowl. Add a puppy into the mix, and you have a commercial that automatically makes the best-of list by default.
Mountain Dew Kickstart: ‘Puppymonkeybaby’ – Super Bowl 50 (2016)
When a made-up animal somehow translates to the three “awesome” ingredients of a soft drink, there’s not much that can top it. Mountain Dew used a puppymonkeybaby to showcase its combination of dew, juice, and caffeine during the 2016 Super Bowl, notably the only year not to use roman numerals in its naming convention.
Amazon: ‘Alexa Loses Her Voice’ – SB LII (2018)
The “Alexa Loses Her Voice” video might very well be one of the most viewed videos from one of the globe’s largest corporations. We’d expect nothing more from Amazon than to feature some of the most recognizable stars in a global ad campaign premiering during the 2018 Super Bowl. Check out appearances from Cardi B, Jon Hamm, Gordon Ramsay, Rebel Wilson, and Anthony Hopkins.
NFL: ‘The 100-Year Game’ – SB LIII (2019)
In typical NFL fashion, celebrating the 100th year certainly couldn’t go unrecognized. Get a glimpse at some of the game’s all-time greats, including appearances by Hall-of-Famer Joe Montana, seven-time Super Bowl Champion Tom Brady, and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.
State Farm: ‘Drake From State Farm’ – SB LV (2021)
Khakis aren’t usually cool unless Jake from State Farm is wearing them. When Drake makes an appearance wearing the iconic red shirt and khaki pants, the debut is simply priceless. State Farm’s ever-famous campaign series may have peaked during this Super Bowl LV ad in 2021.