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Times change — just ask hockey players. In the old days, most of them used hockey sticks made of wood. And that’s not the only thing changing. Turns out, you can now watch NHL Network and all your other cable channels without a cable subscription! When you purchase a skinny bundle, which is a type of streaming service, you get to watch live TV channels online as easily as a puck slides across the ice. Learn more about these streaming services below, and pick one to start watching NHL Network today!

Here are a few of our favorite ways to stream NHL Network:
  Price Channels Free Trial  
$69.99 - $159.99 140+ 5 days Watch Now
$74.99 - $94.99 220+ 7 days Watch Now
$40 - $60 30+ - 130+ 3 days Watch Now

How to Watch NHL Network Without Cable

Opulence is great, but not when it comes to channel subscriptions. Think about it: Your current cable plan probably gives you more channels than you can chew. When you buy a skinny bundle, you’ll get fewer idle channels and more TV networks you actually watch — including NHL Network. If you want to watch NHL Network without cable, your options include the following services:

Can I Watch NHL Network on Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV, or Chromecast?

Skinny bundles are streaming services, which means you can watch them on the go. Stuck in traffic? Waiting for a flight? All of the services listed above work with the mainstream streaming devices, including Roku, Fire TV, and Chromecast.

Most Popular Shows on NHL Network

NHL Network is all about hockey, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. Here’s some of the programming you can find on the channel:

  • “NHL Now”
  • “NHL Game”
  • “Stanley Cup Stories”
  • “NHL Tonight”
  • “On the Fly”

More to Stream for Fans of NHL Network

There are probably no other hockey channels as niche as NHL Network, but we can recommend other sports channels if you’re interested in expanding your interests.

ESPN is a great alternative for hockey fans, including those who watch NHL Network. ESPN airs plenty of hockey content to keep you up to date, but the network is also a great resource to learn about other sports. If it’s a sport, there’s a good chance it’s available. Check out our guide to how to watch ESPN without cable for more information.

ESPN is not your only option; NBC Sports is also a diverse network. Its commentary is fantastic, and it usually provides very raw, behind-the-scenes access to your favorite sports, including hockey. You’ll be pleased to learn you can watch NBC Sports without cable.

4 thoughts on “How to Watch NHL Network Without Cable in 2025

  1. MARK MARZONIE says:

    I wish one could pick and choose what channels they watch for a monthly fee, per number of channels chosen, something to that affect. I don’ need 15 shopping channels, or 20 Latino channels, and who cares what the Kardanshians are doing!! Reading all the comments on many sites, I am still confused! How do I get NHL network, NBCSN in the same package? what app do I need –firestick, utubetv, sling, hulu????!?!? They still “get you”, even if you cut the cable.
    ANYONE have a clear, consise, simple, answer/solution out there?

    1. Patrick MacGregor says:

      I know right.we cut the cord and now have hulu,fubu, and no nhl channel? Carolina Hurricanes went to fubu or hulu so we cut sling and I forget I have no nhl channel now.the weather channel for one app and canes on another and whos on first whats on second?LITERALLY!its a job

  2. Doug Fraser says:

    AT&T TV Now is just a repackaged streaming Directv with even more exhorbitant prices. Kind of defeats the whole “cord cutting” concept. I have to pay for 100+ channels I’ll never watch to get the half dozen I do. Not sure why the NHL can’t include the NHL Network in their package, they charge enough for it…

  3. Stephen Goldberg says:

    I have Hulu and pay extra for ESPN+ and still the NHL withholds games by moving them to NHL Network! What did I buy when I paid Hulu for ESPN+. And of course Hulu took away the Fox Sports Network, too, at the same time they increased the price.

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